Fire ant eradication activities

Fire ants infest South East Queensland, mostly around greater Brisbane, Logan, Ipswich and the Gold Coast. Sometimes, they’re detected outside this area.

We must treat and check every property in the eradication area, whether fire ants are visible or not. Just one missed property could put national eradication efforts at risk.

Eradication activities

To make sure we find and eradicate all fire ant nests, we’re starting from the outside of the infested area. As we clear fire ants from areas we will move inwards until the pest is gone for good.

Eradication treatment

We treat every property in this area up to 6 times over 2 years. We do this at no charge to you, using a treatment that’s safe for humans, animals, and the environment.

We’ll need to visit your property to apply the treatment. Learn more about:


For 5 years after treating an area, we need to monitor it for any signs of fire ants. Our staff work on-site or use aircraft to look for fire ant nests.

We may visit your property to do targeted surveillance.

Suppression treatment

In our suppression area, Queensland's Fire Ant Suppression Taskforce (FAST) can work with you to help manage fire ants on your land.

FAST offers:

Outlier detections

Fire ants are sometimes found outside the main containment area. We call these outlier detections.

We respond to these as quickly as possible to prevent them from spreading.

Interactive activities map

Use the map to find out what activities are happening in your local area.

The data is updated monthly and individual property numbers are not displayed.

Download the map