How fire ants arrived in Australia

Fire ants were first detected in Brisbane, Queensland on 22 February 2001. It is thought that they may have arrived up to 20 years earlier.

How they entered Australia is not known but it is likely that they entered in shipping containers from America. Imported cargo poses a risk as pests can 'hitchhike' undetected.

There are many types of ant species found in Australia, but only Solenopsis invicta qualifies as an invasive fire ant.

Where in Australia could fire ants spread

Australia's climate and lack of natural predators make it the perfect home for fire ants.

The Invasive Species Council advises that more than 97% of Australia is a suitable climate for fire ants. They could inhabit almost the entire continent except for the most extreme, coldest locations.

If not eradicated the impacts of fire ants in Australia will surpass the combined damage done each year by our worst pests: feral cats, wild dogs, foxes, camels, rabbits and cane toads.

Image courtesy of Invasive Species Council under the Creative Commons Licence 4.0

What is a fire ant incursion

An incursion is when invasive ants pass through our borders and manage to establish one or more colonies in Australia. The presence of these ants is considered an incursion (rather than an intercept).

Number of incursions in Australia

We have successfully eradicated 6 separate incursions in Queensland, and one each in New South Wales and Western Australia.

This highly adaptive pest has been found at every capital city port in Australia, except Tasmania.

LocationYear Current status
Port of Brisbane 2001 Eradicated (2005)
Richlands/South East Queensland2001Eradication underway
Yarwun, Gladstone 2006 Eradicated (2007)
Port of Gladstone 2013 Eradicated (2016)
Port Botany, Sydney 2014 Eradicated (2016)
Brisbane Airport 2015 Eradicated (2019)
Port of Brisbane 2016 Eradicated (2019)
Port of Fremantle, Western Australia 2019Eradicated (2023)
Port of Brisbane2021Eradicated (2024)

Eradication can only be declared after multiple treatments and extensive human, aerial and canine surveillance over several years.

Want to know where eradication treatment is taking place?