National program intensifies efforts to combat fire ants

13 June 2024

  • Fire ant biosecurity zones have been reviewed and will be updated on 15 June 2024.
  • Nirimba (Bells Creek) will be added to the fire ant biosecurity zones to reduce the risk of human-assisted spread in Sunshine Coast area.
  • The National Fire Ant Eradication Program continues to respond to outlier detections in Kleinton, Meringandan, Nirimba, and Oakey in Queensland, and South Murwillumbah and Wardell in New South Wales.

From 15 June 2024, the fire ant biosecurity zones will expand to include Nirimba (Bells Creek), covering a 5 km radius around the original detection site.

These zones are crucial in preventing the spread of fire ants through human-assisted movement and are reviewed monthly based on recent outlier detections.

Fire ant biosecurity zones apply to anyone handling materials that can carry fire ants, such as soil, baled materials, mulch, manure, quarry products, turf, cotton, and potted plants.

Residents and business within the new fire ant biosecurity zone in Nirimba and other area must:

  • regularly check the fire ant biosecurity zones and follow associated movement control orders
  • use fire ant-safe practices before transporting materials originating from within the zones.

If you cannot comply, you must apply for a biosecurity instrument permit.

Individuals and businesses that fail to prevent the spread of fire ants may face penalties, including financial fines, temporary business closures, and legal implications. To report non-compliance, use our online form or call 13 25 23.

Eradicating fire ants takes a whole of community approach. We urge Nirimba residents and businesses to:

  • look for and report any suspect ants or nests within 24 hours of sighting them
  • ensure that any materials purchased within the fire an t biosecurity zones are produced, processed, and stored using fire ant-safe practices.

Our field teams continue eradication activities in Nirimba to locate and treat all nests.

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority approves fire ant treatment, deeming them safe for humans, animals, and the environment. These treatment products contain the same active ingredients as those found in household and agriculture pest control products.

If left unchecked, fire ants will change our way of life forever. Eradication is Australia’s only option, making it a national priority to protect our country.

As part of our national eradication efforts, we swiftly respond to outlier detections beyond our containment boundary, aligned with our Fire ant response plan 2023–27.

We have made significant progress in addressing detections in:

  • Kleinton, Meringadan and Oakey, Toowoomba region
  • Moreton Bay Islands, Redland City region
  • South Murwillumbah and Wardell, New South Wales
  • Nirimba, Sunshine Coast region.

As global leaders in fire ant eradication, we have implemented robust procedures to manage these detections. We are actively following these procedures and will continue until all fire ants and nests are eradicated from these areas.

Our commitment remains steadfast in stopping the spread of fire ants and protecting Australia from their devastating impacts on our environment, economy, health, and outdoor way of life.

We aim to eradicate fire ants by 2032, securing the future of our Australian way of life.

Visit or call 13 25 23 for more information.

Quotes attributable to Ashley Bacon, Executive Program Director, National Fire Ant Eradication Program:

"Fire ants are highly mobile and adaptable as they like to hitch rides in organic materials," he explained.

"Moving just one fire ant queen to a new area could lead to the infestation of an entire community.

"Establishing a fire ant biosecurity zone in Nirimba will help reduce the risk of human-assisted movement and protect Australia from one of the world’s worst invasive pests.

"We are working with industry and the community to ensure they understand what the fire ant biosecurity zones and associated movement controls mean, as penalties apply to individuals and businesses who do not comply.

"Eradicating fire ants is challenging and requires a collective effort from the entire community, with everyone playing a crucial role.

"If our eradication officers need access to your property to conduct surveillance or treatment, please let them in so they can protect you, your family, and your animals from fire ants."