Fire ant update – Wardell

12 July 2024 - Odour detection dogs from the National Fire Ant Eradication Program yesterday (11 July) located fire ants in Wardell, south of Ballina, NSW.

The dogs sniffed out the foraging fire ants whilst conducting surveillance activities on the same Wardell site that the pest was detected on in January 2024.

It is not uncommon to find foraging fire ants in areas receiving eradication treatment.

The ants have been treated by direct nest injection.

The Program has notified the NSW Department of Primary Industries and both parties will work together to ensure no fire ants remain.

Up to 2 km of the surrounding area is currently subject to fire ant eradication activities.

Eradication is a multi-stage process using an insect growth regulator that prevents the queen from producing viable and reproductive offspring. The ants forage to collect the treatment granules and circulate the treatment amongst the colony. This treatment takes time to have full effect.

All properties in the targeted area must receive multiple rounds of broadscale treatment over 2 years to ensure eradication success.

For more information about fire ants, the Program or eradication treatment please visit