Fire ant treatment in Samford Valley

5 June 2024: The National Fire Ant Eradication Program is aware of and investigating a claim that product used to treat fire ants may have inadvertently been used in an area of Samford Valley containing water bodies.

The product used to eradicate fire ants is an insect growth regulator and contains pyriproxyfen – commonly used to control household and agricultural pests. The program is working with an independent local company to test and analyse water sample results to determine if there has been any impact on the waterway.

This information and all other required documentation has been provided to the appropriate regulators and the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation for further consideration.

After being alerted to the matter in Samford Valley, the program changed its treatment approach and will now use a product containing S-methoprene for the rest of this season.

S-methoprene is permitted for use around waterways and streams and is used extensively in mosquito control programs and other common pest control products. It is also permitted for use on certified organic properties by the Australian Organic Industry Standards and Certification Council.

The program appreciates the community alerting us to this situation and has adjusted internal controls to ensure safe operations of the vital eradication activities can continue this week.

Eradicating fire ants requires a whole-of-community approach, and this matter highlights the importance of everyone working together, particularly in areas where eradication activities are being conducted.