Fire ant biosecurity zones and eradication treatment for Oakey

17 May 2024

  • Oakey will be added to the fire ant biosecurity zones to reduce the risk of human assisted spread.
  • Fire ant eradication treatment will also start within a 5 km radius of the Oakey Army Aviation Centre.
  • The fire ant biosecurity zone applies to anyone who deals with organic materials that can carry fire ants, including soil, hay, mulch, manure, quarry products, turf, and potted plants.

The National Fire Ant Eradication Program is taking proactive steps to further protect Oakey and the Toowoomba Region against fire ants.

From 20 May 2024, a fire ant biosecurity zone will be established and broadscale eradication treatment will begin within a 5 km radius of the 80 nests found at the Oakey Army Aviation Centre.

The fire ant biosecurity zones apply to anyone who deals with organic materials that can carry fire ants, sourced from within the zones. This includes soil, hay, mulch, manure, quarry products, turf, and potted plants.

This means that residents and business located in the Oakey fire ant biosecurity zone are legally required (outlined in the Biosecurity Regulation 2016) to:

  • check the fire ant biosecurity zones regularly and follow associated movement control orders
  • use fire ant-safe practices before transporting materials originating from within the zones.

People purchasing organic materials produced within the zone will also be required to ask their suppliers if these materials have been produced, processed, and stored using fire ant safe practices.

Failing to check the fire ant biosecurity zones or the associated movement controls can lead to financial penalties, temporary business closures, and legal implications.

Fire ant eradication treatment will also start in Oakey from next week. This will involve aerial treatment, using fixed-wing aircraft, followed by targeted treatment on smaller and residential properties.

All targeted properties must be treated multiple times to ensure eradication success.

The treatment products used are safe for humans, animals and pets, and approved by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority. They contain the same active ingredients as those found in household and agriculture pest control products.

For more information, please check out or visit one of our upcoming community displays.

  • Friday 17 May: Oakey Cultural Centre – 9am to 3pm
  • Friday 17 May: Oakey IGA – 9am to 12 pm
  • Sunday 19 May: Street Feast Oakey – 4 to 9 pm
  • Monday 20 May: Oakey Cultural Centre – 9am to 3pm

Quotes attributable to Ashley Bacon, Executive Program Director, National Fire Ant Eradication Program:

“Fire ants move quite slowly on their own, but people speed them up,” he said.

“Illegally moving just one solitary fire ant queen to a new area could lead to the infestation of an entire community and have serious consequences.

“Introducing a fire ant biosecurity zone in Oakey will help mitigate the risk of human-assisted movement and protect the local environment, economy, human and animal health, and outdoor way of life.

“We are working closely with primary producers, industry, and key stakeholders in Oakey and surrounds to ensure they are aware of the new requirements and what they mean for them.

“If you live in Oakey or another area in the fire ant biosecurity zones and deal with organic materials, not being aware of the rules is not an excuse.

“Eradicating fire ants is not easy – it will take a whole of community approach and everyone plays an important role in this.

“If our teams need access to your property, please let them in so they can protect you, your family and your way of life from fire ants.”